Hostos Charter School Proposed Plan


Approximately 30 participants attended the community design charrette for the Hostos Charter School court and developed many ideas for the future use of the campus.  Part of a larger EPA-funded project, the purpose of the event was to gather local input about the reuse of the Hostos Charter School campus in the Olney/East Oak Lane neighborhoods in Philadelphia.  With partakers including school staff and faculty, community residents and representatives from organizations across the City, the groups generated unique designs for the large and underutilized schoolyard.

The four groups each envisioned different futures for the site.  While there was considerable variation in some of the individual elements proposed, several conceptual ideas were mentioned throughout.  All groups supported the use of the site for outdoor education, with trails meandering around the site to link the various ecosystems and landscapes found there.  Additionally, the ideas of green roofs, community accessibility and children’s play areas were prominent.


Following the event, the Project Team discussed both the designs from each group as well as the results from the voting activity.  The team then developed a conceptual master plan based on these results.  The overall concept for the Hostos Charter School campus is to provide educational and recreational facilities for both the community and the school students.

Incorporating both educational and recreational amenities, the plan calls for a walking trail that meanders throughout the property.  A key feature of the design, the four seasons wetland area, features boardwalks and a variety of plant life for both educational and stormwater purposes.  Buffered by a native tree border, the soccer fields will be rotated yearly to allow natural meadows in the off years.  The plan also features the addition of a green roof, a dog park, a small children’s play area and a vegetable garden.  Green stormwater infrastructure tools are featured throughout the plan.

Memphis Street Academy Proposed Plan


Over thirty participants attended the community design charrette for the Memphis Street Academy schoolyard and developed several ideas for the future use of the site.  Part of a larger EPA-funded project, the purpose of the event was to gather local input about the reuse of the Memphis Street Academy schoolyard in the Port Richmond neighborhood in Philadelphia.  With partakers including school staff and faculty, community residents and representatives from organizations across the City, the groups generated unique designs for the largely underutilized schoolyard.  In addition, a children’s brainstorming session was held prior to learn about the students’ ideas for the schoolyard.

Each group envisioned a distinct future for the schoolyard, but there was significant overlap in many of the design elements and wishes for the site.  Most groups commented on the lack of green space, and suggested the addition of both color and shading to improve the usability of the yard.  In addition, further recreational amenities and opportunities were suggested, including a basketball court with spectator seating.  Students at the brainstorming session recommended fruit trees and vegetable gardens as a way to beautify the space.


Following the event, the Project Team discussed both the designs from each group as well as the results from the voting activity.  The team then developed a conceptual master plan based on these results.  The overall concept for the Memphis Street Academy schoolyard is to green the space while providing ample educational and recreational opportunities for both the students and the community.

Integrating both educational and recreational components, the plan calls for an interactive path meandering around much of the courtyard to provide an active learning experience for the students.  Weaving through a sensory garden, rain garden and several planting buffers, the path concludes at the outdoor classroom.  While adding recreational components is stressed throughout the plan, there is also ample space reserved for free play.  The plan also features the addition of significant green space: street trees lining the property, a green roof and several rain gardens.  Incorporating the insight provided by the students, the plan suggests two vegetable gardens along the main entrance to the school.

Lots at 6th & Diamond Proposed Master Plan


Attended by thirty participants, the community design charrette for the lots at 6th and Diamond Streets generated several different visions for the currently underutilized lots.  Part of a larger EPA-funded project, the purpose of the event was to garner local input about the reuse of the two lots located at the intersection of 6th and Diamond Streets in eastern North Philadelphia.  With participants from the neighborhood, as well as invited guests from citywide organizations, the group designs represented diverse options for the two lots.

The groups each designed unique visions for the lots.  For the smaller lot, several groups suggested food-related activities such as community garden plots and a small market.  Others proposed the idea of an informal social gathering space with dedicated space for seating.  For the larger lot across the street, both active and passive recreational activities were discussed, including a handball court, a more formal BBQ area, a movie screen, play fountains and an historical neighborhood trail.  The general concepts developed in each group can be seen below:


Following the event, the Project Team discussed both the designs from each group as well as the results from the voting activity.  The team then developed a conceptual master plan based on these results.  The overall concept for the Lots at 6th & Diamond Streets is two-fold: a gathering space highlighting both the neighborhood’s storied history as well as its current conditions in the larger lot and a community garden with space for socializing.

Incorporating both active and passive recreational activities, the plan calls for an open lawn to buffer the more active spaces of the lot, including the handball court and the children’s play area.  The lawn doubles as a seating area for the stage and movie screen spaces.  Weaving throughout the lot, the historical walking path highlights important events in the neighborhood and connects the various elements in the lot.  The shade sails provide much-needed cooling to the more formal BBQ and plaza area.  Green stormwater infrastructure elements are suggested throughout the plan, including several planting beds, rain gardens and stormwater bumpouts.

Connected by an improved street crossing surface, the plan for the smaller lot across the street calls for a community garden with individual garden plots.  In addition to the plots, areas for socializing are also included, as well as a market place.